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How to Breathe While Running Fast | Proper Breathing Technique for Running

  • Post last modified:September 6, 2024

Many of us do not know how to breathe while running. This is very important to know for those who run regularly. Regular running and exercise are more beneficial than drugs. Taking medicine will not provide the same benefits as running regularly. A study found that just 30 minutes of running can reduce your depression, no matter how severe it is. You don’t have to run too fast, just a little faster than walking. 

Another 2013 study found that running works like medicine to improve depression. Along with depression, running can also reduce anxiety and stress. A 2012 study found that anxiety and stress levels were lower after running. Another 2012 study found that running for 30 minutes three times per week improved sleep quality and attention span.

However, many people run for a short time and start gasping for air. Our muscles need a lot of energy to run. At the same time, our body produces more carbon dioxide, which requires more oxygen. This change in breathing causes many people to feel short of breath. Follow these tips to avoid shortness of breath while running.

Table of Contents

Why is Proper Breathing Important?

Most people have a habit of holding their breath while exercising. This can lead to high blood pressure, fatigue, and even heart attacks. Proper breathing makes workouts more effective, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and increases muscle tone. Breathing properly while running can even help you run faster, which is essential for losing weight or preparing for a marathon.

How to Breathe Properly

The correct way to breathe while running is to inhale with each step. First, the running style should be adjusted, and then the breath should match your steps. Exhale and inhale alternately with each landing of your right foot. Rhythmic breathing allows more oxygen to flow into the body as needed without causing stress. Also, while running, keep your spine straight, look forward, breathe efficiently, and keep your shoulders relaxed.

Walking Pad

How to Breathe While Running

Aerobic exercise offers numerous benefits, including improved cardiovascular health and increased lung capacity. According to research from the State University of New York and reports in Runner’s World magazine, walking on a treadmill for an hour can burn an additional 75–90 calories, while jogging can burn an extra 105–125 calories. Caloric expenditure and breathing techniques vary depending on pacing methods. Whether walking or jogging on the treadmill, maintaining proper rhythm and control is crucial to achieving proper breathing.


Step 1:

Maintain proper posture regardless of your running speed. Keep your back and neck straight and relax your shoulders. Keep your elbows at a 90-degree angle, and look straight ahead. Let your arms relax to reduce any tension in your body. Correct running posture helps you find the right breathing technique more quickly.


Step 2:

When walking on the treadmill, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Breathing through your nose requires more effort than breathing through your mouth, which helps strengthen your lungs. Focus on diaphragmatic breathing, which means using abdominal contractions to inhale instead of raising your shoulders.


Step 3:

When jogging on the treadmill, breathe in and out through your mouth. Keep your mouth slightly open to take in maximum oxygen and deepen your breath. As with walking, use your abdominal muscles to breathe, and maintain proper running posture throughout.


Step 4:

While walking or jogging on a treadmill, establish and maintain a steady breathing rhythm. Your breathing rate will vary depending on your pace. For example, when walking, try to inhale every two steps and exhale every step. While jogging, try to inhale every three steps and exhale every two. Aim for slow, deep breathing, avoiding shallow, rapid, or gasping breaths. If you can’t maintain steady, deep breathing, reduce the intensity of your workout until you can.


Step 5:

Regardless of your speed, make sure to inhale fully with each breath. During a treadmill workout, focus on breathing fully, and remember that exhaling releases carbon dioxide from your lungs, preparing them for the next intake of oxygen.


Quick Instructions:

To check if you are breathing properly, walk or jog on the treadmill for a few minutes and place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. With proper breathing, you should feel a rhythmic movement in your abdomen with each breath, while the hand on your chest remains relatively still.

Follow these guidelines to optimize your treadmill workout and achieve an effective calorie burn. Proper breathing techniques not only enhance your exercise experience but also contribute to improved overall fitness.

Tips to Improve Breathing During Running

Warm up before running: Instead of starting to run immediately, warm up your body a little beforehand. This activates blood circulation in the muscles and tissues. Doing some exercises before running is recommended.

Take breaks: It’s good to take short breaks if you run out of breath. This reduces the stress caused by running, and your breathing will return to normal. If you don’t want to take a break, you can slow down. Reducing your running speed also helps regulate breathing.

Breathing exercises: Regular breathing exercises reduce shortness of breath and improve lung and heart performance. A simple exercise is to inhale slowly through your nose, pause for 10 seconds, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Regular practice of this exercise can easily reduce breathlessness.

Breathe through your nose and mouth: Normally, we breathe through the nose because nasal hairs filter the air before it reaches the lungs. While exercising, breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. While running, you can breathe through both the nose and mouth to meet the muscles’ oxygen demands.

Consult a doctor: If shortness of breath occurs frequently, it could be due to a lung or heart issue. Iron deficiency, anemia, or other medical problems can also cause breathing difficulties, so it’s essential to consult a doctor.


Breathing Improvement Technique

At first, it may seem difficult to synchronize your breath with your running speed. To get into the habit of breathing properly, practice the even breathing technique:

  • Step 1: Sit in a quiet place and close your eyes.
  • Step 2: Breath in and out slowly to relax.
  • Step 3: Inhale for four seconds through your nose.
  • Step 4: Stop breathing for a few seconds.
  • Step 5: Exhale for four seconds through your nose.


Bottom Line

Running is excellent cardio and helps burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. Even running for 30 minutes at a moderate pace daily can provide significant benefits. However, it’s important to use proper technique and breathe correctly while running. Running with good form reduces the risk of injury, and rhythmic breathing increases running speed, which helps burn more calories.

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