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Running Tips and Benefits | How to Enjoy Running

  • Post last modified:September 17, 2024

According to experts, many people run regularly every day to stay healthy or lose weight. However, it is often observed that harm is done instead of good. By following some running tips, you can avoid potential damage.

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Running Tips and Benefits

How beneficial running is for health is well known. Experts suggest running for at least 5 to 10 minutes every day to stay healthy, which helps prevent many diseases.

Heart attacks, strokes, and many other diseases are kept at bay through regular running. However, experts say most people make several mistakes while running, which can cause harm instead of good. Therefore, it is very important to know the correct method of running.

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Running Tips

How to Enjoy Running

There are some tips to follow to enjoy running more. Let’s find out without delay:

  • Choose good-quality shoes to avoid injury.
  • Don’t forget to stretch and warm up before running.
  • Start running from a point where you feel comfortable.
  • Slowly increase your running distance and speed over time.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Always follow your body signal and avoid overexertion.


How to Get Better Results

Initially, you should run slowly. The best approach is to walk for one minute and run for three minutes. Repeat this for 10 to 15 times. Every day, gradually increase your running time.

Slow down a few minutes before you stop running to allow your breathing to return to normal. After running, stretch your muscles and hold each stretch for 20 seconds.

According to the American Heart Association, running for 10 to 15 minutes, 2-3 times a day, will provide the same benefits as running for half an hour straight each time.


Be Careful During Running

Certain precautions must be taken while running. For example, don’t try to run much faster than your normal pace, as this can cause injury.

Do not run on a full stomach, but also avoid running on an empty stomach. Carry water with you when possible, and on hot days, you can also keep a soft cloth to wipe sweat.

Running Benefits

Running Increases Lifespan
A 21-year study of 1,000 adults over the age of 50, reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine, found that 85% of those who had a habit of running remained healthy by the end of the survey, while only 66% of those who didn’t run survived.

According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, regular jogging significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular death. The U.S. government and World Health Organization recommend 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise (like brisk walking or aerobics) or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise (like running, cycling, swimming, or competitive sports) per week.

A study from the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study followed over 55,000 adults aged 18-100 for 15 years, tracking their daily physical activity. Researchers found that, regardless of gender, age, weight, or health condition, running greatly contributed to overall health. Those who ran regularly had a 30% reduced risk of death compared to those who didn’t. The risk of death from heart attack or stroke was reduced by 45%.

Weight Will Decrease
If you run regularly, you’re bound to lose weight, as running burns a significant number of calories. You can lose weight by running without even going to the gym—just follow the proper guidelines.

Running is Good for the Mind
A study in the Journal of Experimental Biology found that endocannabinoids, chemicals similar to those found in cannabis, are released from our brains when we run. This improves our mood and mental well-being.

Running Reduces Belly Fat
Belly fat tends to increase with age. A study in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise found that more than 100,000 runners who ran 35 miles or more per week didn’t experience significant weight gain.

Running Burns an Incredible Amount of Calories
An hour of weight training burns about 300 calories, while an hour of running burns twice that amount. According to the gym, running on a treadmill can burn between 705 and 865 calories per hour, which is more than a stationary bike.

Running is an Easy and Convenient Exercise
You don’t need yoga mats or gym equipment to run—just a pair of good shoes. You can run anywhere in the world, so your exercise routine won’t be interrupted, even while traveling.

Running is Good for Bones
Running is a high-impact exercise that systematically loads the muscles and bones. This keeps joints healthy and increases bone strength.

Cholesterol Levels Will Decrease
Running is a cardiovascular exercise, which helps lower cholesterol levels and control blood pressure. It reduces the risk of heart disease like heart attacks and strokes.

Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease
Heart disease is one of the main reasons for sudden death worldwide. However, running for at least five minutes a day can cut the risk of dying from heart disease in half. A study by the American College of Cardiology involving nearly 55,000 adults over 15 years found that regular physical activity significantly improved heart and lung health.

Running helps maintain proper levels of oxygen and blood supply to your heart, improving overall heart health and function.

Keeps a Good Mood
If you have the habit of running, it can help alleviate depression. Running releases endorphins in the brain, which improve mood and reduce mental exhaustion.

Relieves Anxiety and Stress
Running is an effective way to relieve anxiety and stress. In hot weather, running in the morning is best. Alternatively, you can run in the afternoon or evening. Sweating from running helps reduce stress.

Strengthens Muscles
Regular running strengthens muscles and builds stronger bone structure. However, be careful not to strain your muscles while running.

Improves Sleep
Lack of adequate sleep can lead to various problems, affecting both body and mind. Running for five minutes a day can help with insomnia. Studies show that running for 150 minutes a week improves sleep quality by up to 65%. Another study found that 16 weeks of running led to better sleep and less tiredness during the day for those with insomnia.

Lowers Blood Sugar Levels
Controlling blood sugar is essential, whether or not you have diabetes. Running for five minutes a day can significantly help in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.

Replenishes Vitamin D Deficiency
Running outside exposes the body to sunlight, which naturally increases vitamin D levels. This helps strengthen bones and teeth, regulate mood, and boost immunity. According to research from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, vitamin D can be obtained not just by running but also by walking or cycling in the morning.

Reduces Shortness of Breath
Running strengthens respiratory muscles and improves lung function. This aerobic exercise helps deliver oxygen more efficiently to the muscles, boosting endurance and performance. Regular running can help reduce the risk of breathing problems, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Improves Eye Health
Running primarily benefits the cardiovascular system and muscles, but it also positively affects eye health. A study published in PLOS One found that regular exercise improves blood flow to the eyes, reducing the risk of age-related vision problems like macular degeneration and glaucoma.

Prevents Cancer
Running also helps prevent cancer. A review of 170 studies found that people who regularly exercise or run are less likely to develop several types of cancer. For those undergoing chemotherapy, running with a doctor’s permission can alleviate some physical side effects.

A study published in the Journal of the Canadian Medical Association shows that regular exercise and weight control significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer. Research also reveals that exercise can help reduce the risk of cancer recurrence or death by up to 50% in people with colorectal cancer.

Who Should Avoid Running

  • People with serious joint problems, such as arthritis, as running can worsen the pain and cause further damage.
  • Those with heart or respiratory issues should consult a doctor before starting any fitness routine.
  • Pregnant women should also consult a doctor before running.


Bottom Line

Going to the gym and working out with machines or heavy weights is not the only way to stay physically fit. Running offers many of the same benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, muscle strengthening, weight control, and enhanced mood from endorphin release. It also helps reduce stress and improves sleep. Of all types of cardio exercise, running is one of the most effective.

Experts say that just half an hour of running each day will improve blood circulation, enhance lung and heart function, relieve mental stress, and boost physical performance. Regular running and exercise can even eliminate the need for medication in some cases. Developing a habit of running can act as a remedy for various serious diseases, including cancer.

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